My Week Keeps Getting Better, Bike Week DAYTONA
This is the sickest ferry trip i have ever been on . Let me tell you about being in the right place at the right time. Tuesday Mar 7 /06 i got a call to fly a Mooney M20C down to Daytona for a purchaser. The trip was originally going to be an out-and-back until Stu decided to come along for the party. We headed out of RUQ Rowan Co. about 11 am and 3.5 hr later we were arriving New Smyrna Beach FL. The biker that bought this lil rocket of an airplane was the coolest cat ever. When he rolled up he tossed us the keys to his 400 hp Chevy SSR convertible and a huge beach house then instructed us to have a ball without scratching his baby. Have a ball we did! The main strip of Daytona is just littered with bikes and babes so we soaked it up . Until you see the mayhem that rolls into this town for Bike Week then you cannot appreciate the ellegance and style ubundantly portrayed by this crowd. We rode the strip for a bit and decided to get hydrated at a few of the legendary bars like Froggy's, Dirty Harry's, and Hot Topic. It was burn outs, beer, and babes all night long. I loved every minuite of it and so did Stuart. We also caught some shots of the local talent and omg they were yummy !!!!! After last call the strip was still hopping with the sound of the famous Harley Rumble everywhere. I can't wait for my next ferry trip ! I am rated to fly any aircraft with wings so if you need it relocated just zap me an email, especially if you live in Daytona Beach.
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