Monday, May 29, 2006

Mojave Camping Frenzy

Posted by Picasa As i post this today i continue to stop the spinning of my internal compass after almost a week in Las Vegas. These people are some of my closest West Air buddies all reunited for a no holds barred completely uncensored trek back into the Mohave Desert for a night of chaos and mayhem. I am still licking my wounds from all the weeks activity. Wow what a breathe of fresh air to see them all Jason, Patty, John, Dan , Bill ,Brett, Rachael, Cody, Jen, Tronde, Sean, Lance, Tommy, Robbie, Steph,Dawg,Bernie,Eric,Kimmy,Abby, and Giz. While i was there Lance and i took Chicayne the Supra out for a 120 mph spin, Tommy and i lounged some honeys at the Sun Coast Pool and hit baseballs in the cage, ate at Big Dogs with Eric,Beerpong with Brett, Bill Dan, Kim and Rachael, and went to some fine christian establishments with the Roomeys. All in all the time spent traveling was so well spent and i honestly feel like a new man after the trip. While i was there an endless amount of emotions were processed by my brain and i took away something very special. A renewed grasp on life and Unconditional Friendship. I will be back soon but for now i bid you farewell. Good luck to the ventures bestowed upon all of you. Thank you so much for the irreplaceable memories. Love you guys 'Come on' !


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