Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Ramp Rats

Chillin on the T Birds Ramp with Landon, Steph,Brian ,Robbie,Kirby and of course all 8 of your 2006 USAF Thunderbird Demonstration Team.1/30/06 Posted by Picasa

Monday, January 30, 2006

Hangin With Landon

Three Carolina boys in Las Vegas sounds dangerous. And it is, therefore we hoofed it out to Apex which happens to be one of my favorite places to visit in this town. Landon was impressed with the unofficial off-roading capital of the world and we tackled some terra firma in the Rubicon. It was great to see you Landon, i had a great time. Posted by Picasa

The Thunderbird Tour

Landon and Stephanie are flightcrew members on Dale Earnhardt Jr's Emb 120. They were out for testing in Las Vegas so we saw it fit to raise some cane while they were here.After a night on the town we rolled out early to go watch some testing at the track and since they were so nice getting us into the speedway then Brian ,Robbie, and I decided to repay them with the royal tour of the Thunderbird Hanger .We got there just in time to see the solo 5 and 6 pilots blast off for practice.On top of that Red Flag is in progress so there were 200 military aircraft from all over the world here for a ginormous exercise in the desert. What an awesome day ! 1/30/06. Posted by Picasa

Test Day Las Vegas

1/30/06 ,Test day at Las Vegas Motor Speedway was seriously kick A$$ today. We watched 20 some teams run courtesy of DEI and my buddy Landon. Tony Eurie Jr is in the background wrenching on Jr's car over the lunch break and believe me they turned out some quick laps today. It's going to be a good season ! http://www.daleearnhardtinc.com/content/home.aspx Posted by Picasa

Friday, January 27, 2006

Canyon West

A family trip to the Grand Canyon was the highlight of my day Tues 24 06 . My Aunt Teresa and Uncle Erwin happened to be in town with a couple friends Cindy and Terry . We all piled in the Seneca and blasted off for a tour of the (Ditch). It was an eventful day and it was all smiles as Erwin piloted us towards the west rim. Good to spend some quality time with them. http://www.cathyskye.com/Canyon.htm Posted by Picasa

Monday, January 23, 2006

Tighten Up

The Pitts S2 is one of the most graceful machines in the sky and this formation picture does not justify how this thing makes you feel. Responsive is not even an accurate word for the performance this aircraft offers. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Colorado Basin Bandits

John,Jake,Brian,Sphinxter,Dakota,and I are taking a break from a long day of off roading to soak in the gorgeous view of the Colorado River Basin. Nelson's Landing is a place with a tragic story, once upon a time the river town encountered an 8 ft high wall of water in a flood. All was lost in the town including vehicles, houses and even some lives. Since then the town has been relocated to somewhat higher ground . The recreation area here has alot of places to slaughter a 4-wheel drive so we put them to the test today. Damage to the Yota=2 busted shocks !Posted by Picasa

Gone Fishing

In the shallows of the Colorado River is the only place to find mud in this desert. What a great place to visit on a sunday afternoon with the boys. Shortly after this picture was shot we had a not so fortunate event , John got the jeep stuck in the water. 20 min+1 rope +1 shovel+1 board+Jakes Jeep= Us back on the trail. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, January 15, 2006

The Ghosts of The Amargosa Valley

Rhyolite, is a ghostown in western NV known for some pretty weird occurances. This thing caught my eye as we rolled into town for an off road camping adventure sat night 1/14/06. It instantly sent shivers down my spine until i realized that there are some thing here that are much more abnormal than this statue. I will try not to ruin the mystery with too much information so maybe you should venture there yourself someday. Our group camping trip was the most fun i have had in a while .It is times like this that you have to wonder , Are we really alone? http://www.ghosttowngallery.com/ Posted by Picasa

Another Company Feild Trip

This time our company field trip takes us into some of the most freaky country i have ever seen. We decided to venture off into what they call Alien Country for a good ol fashioned ghost hunt.The West Air crew busted out of Vegas wide open Sat 1/14/06 bound for Rhyolite, a ghostown nestled in the backcounty of the Armagosa Desert at Beatty NV. We off roaded all night with all kinds of equipment and yes, we had some injuries,Brian=sprained ankle,Bill=multiple bruises,Rachel=banged up knee,Brett=damaged ego.However Both Johns,Jake,Mikey,and Patty rode away unscathed. HE HE. We had the time of our lives out there and i got to check off of my list, camping in a ghostown.It has motivated me to maybe see some more freak shows that NV has to offer. Posted by Picasa

Is That a Lego Woman?

Rhyolite has some really freaky things sitting around. I can t figure out what this has to do with a ghostown. It just looked strange so i snapped a picture of it. Posted by Picasa

Bull in a China Shop

No John is not a bull but this is almost a china shop. Rhyolite is home to the bottle house constructed completely of glass bottles in place of brick. This place is kinda freaky, you have to put this on your list of irregular places to visit. Posted by Picasa

The Most Restricted Airspace in the World

Our weekend adventure is just over the hill from the most famous restricted airspace on the planet. Area 51 needs no definition or explanations. R-4808 is all you need to know ! If by chance you actually made it down one of the roads to Area 51 then here is some of the equipment that you would need,a vehicle able to avoid detection by sonar,radar,infared,motion detectors,and satellites, also, bulletproof windows and tires, flak jackets,and a propulsion system capable of mach speeds. Then if you get through the gate and over the 20 ft high electric fence you might think about having some good running shoes, a helmet, face paint, bolt cutters,and milk bones for the guard dogs.Then should you make it inside the area, there will be absolutely nothing to see or do as, according to our government no Alien Test Site exists. Maybe you should see death Valley instead Posted by Picasa

Chewing Up Some Desert

The only two vehicles to go off roading in Rhyolite were my Yota and Johns new Hummer H1.We ripped some seriously sick trails to pieces as we pawed from 3300 ft elvation to 6000ft for a good midnight view of the Ghostown. He also brought his Rhino and Grizzley atv to play on .They got a lil bent up ! Ooops. Posted by Picasa

Breakfast of Champions

This is our new instructor Brett and his better half Rachel along with the Realtree Brian, and my roomate Bill. We were feeling a little rough this morning so Doritos and Beer always make it all better. This was 8:20 am 1/14/06 in the Ghostown . Posted by Picasa

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Gee Bee Skeebys

Delmar Benjamin's (wasp) Gee Bee R-2 replica in action at the Winston Salem Airshow. This thing is a piece of aviation history dating back to the Golden Days of Air Racing. It has won countless Thompson and Bendix trophies at races all over the country.Also it is considered one of the most dangerous airplanes you could ever strap yourself into.Delmar no longer flies it on the airshow curcuit but has given us a hint of things to come, maybe a later model Gee Bee is in the works. Posted by Picasa

Valley of Fire

The Logandale Trail consists of a 2.5 hr ride all the way around the mountain chain called the Valley of Fire . After we shook off the new year's hangover we busted loose to this place for some good ol off-roading action. I have flown over it a hundred times but it is a different view standing on top of this hill. The trails are labeled by difficulty in colors almost like ski slopes with black meaning that you should probably bring some spare parts. The whole day we bobbed and weaved through all the levels of difficulty with only a few hills left unconquored and no broken axels. There are lots of motorcycles and 4 wheelers in this place so you have to be kinda careful nobody ends up in your windsheild.Rob, Steph, Brian,and I ripped the desert up for almost 4 hr today and i got to visit yet one more piece of splendor Nevada has to offer. Way to kick off the New Year for sure. 1/1/06 Posted by Picasa

4 Low Lockers

Robbie's new Jeep Rubicon is perfect for crawling rocks. It comes standard with lockers and independent suspension. It is a must if you are going to get too serious with this stuff. If i tried this in my truck i would be picking the bumper up off this rock. Posted by Picasa

Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Who said my little 4 banger is a weakling? I would like to see you do this in your Beamer wearing a 3 piece suit. The Yota crawled right up the side of this rock like it was a speedbump ! I am begining to like this place already ! Posted by Picasa

3 Amigos

Robbie is going to love me for posting this picture but i couldn t help it. He blinked at the perfect time . This is the first hill we climbed when we got to the Logandale Trail and what a majestic view of the Fire Red Rocks of the Valley. I really enjoyed hanging with my boys today. Oh and you too Steph , you are one of the guys too. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Russian Thunder is Silent today

I am typing with a sadness in my heart for the friends and family of Mr Eric Beard(48) who's passing was a tragedy friday 1/06/06 in a freight hauling crash. Eric was working for a company called Airpack when his Piper Seneca was discovered in a treeline a mere 400 feet from the runway at the Skagit Airport in Washington State. This guy's piloting ability was top notch so the crash is completely a mystery at this point . Eric was considered one of the nation's premier aerobatic airshow pilots with 1000's of performances under his belt flying the Russian Thunder Yak 54. I had the privlege of meeting Eric and his aircraft at the St George Airport in western Utah while on a cross country flight with a student. He was quick to answer questions about his Yak 54 aircraft as he gave us the grand tour and came off as one of the nicest guys you could ever meet. I mourn for his loss along with the rest of the flying community and know that his passing was not in vein. Blue Skies and Tailwinds forever my friend. You will be missed ! www.russianthunder.com Posted by Picasa


I don t know that i have met two people more perfect for each other than Dan and Raney. These two have been through thick and thin , war and peace, trial and tribulation ! They are both USMC( Uncle Sam's Misguided Children) and now that they can focus on a relationship then marriage is in the near future. A wedding on the Coast of Carolina is set for this spring. Raney and i have been friends for umpteen years and have also been through alot so she is like a little sister to me. I love you guys and wish you the very best in life. See ya soon! How bout that Corona Raney ! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Preventative Maintenance

This has got to be one of the best pilots i have ever witnessed in action. Since then the maintenance programs and federal aviation regulations have changed a lil bit.WTH is he doing anyway? Tightening up a spark plug i guess ! Posted by Picasa

Painting the Sky

It almost looked like brushwork of the Carolina countryside flying with Grier that morning. He needed a 90 day check out in the Alarus so twisting my arm was not hard to do. This shot was the morning after Christmas as i counted down the hours til i would depart for Las Vegas. I was feeling a lil homesick already. It would be back to the grindstone tomorrow as i could look forward to a full book starting 8 am. Posted by Picasa

Feeling the Love

This is how i feel today. All smiles ,all day, and why not! I have been back in NC for a week of holiday cheer with my best friends, MY FAMILY ! Not only that, but i got to see everyone including the Brothers Different Mothers. Party at the Holbrooks',Supper at the Wilmoths',Airport Bummin with the MWK crew,Dinner with the Smithermans' and the Hollands',Loungin at the Shores',Beer and a Pep talk in the Elliott gun shack,Christmas with the Matthews' and Shores',Japanese with the Lineberrys',and even a midnight ride with Davis ! My life is so construed now days that it is hard to make time for the people that mean the most to me.After all they are really the ones that helped me get to where i am today.Would i have the motivation without them? As i began to realize today what will happen when i leave Las Vegas thoughts poured out of my mind like a waterfall. Can I? Will I? Should I? If I? You know what, none of those questions are relavant if i dwell on the challenge at hand. Taking life day by day will never change, no matter what i ask myself. The question is about success and if i work hard enough then it is bound to get me there.I feel like i am nearing the apex, the pinnacle, the peak. It will be worth it to stand at the top of that hill and shout at the top of my lungs," I Finally Made It". I could not make it without the support of the people that i love. Thank you to all people that i consider Friends, i would do anything for any of you. A prospirous New Year is among us . Cheers to all things that really matter ,Family and Friends ~! Posted by Picasa