Sunday, November 19, 2006

Keys To The Kingdom

This weekend was the mark of a milestone for myself along with entire JrMotorsports team. Since early Apr 06 i have been working for them watching , learning, progessing towards a goal heartfelt by not only me but all the people that surround me . When did that happen? It is an honor to be around the whole Nascar persona but most people don't see the comradery and dedication that it takes to succeed here. Another thing is that as a flight crew we are dedicated to staying closer to the aircraft than the track so we dont spend alot of time there. An occasional qualifying or practice is about it. As we treked to FL for the Homestead season wrap up we were unbenounced to the fate that lie ahead. Shane Huffman and the 88 Navy Team put up a good fight qualifying 4th but the stars just weren't aligned . a 37th place finish was what happened after getting caught up in freak brush with the wall and a Busch brother .Never the less Shane is signed up for a full race load next season. As for us we decided to make an exception this time and celebrate a wonderful year together and go to the Florida Keys. 3 days in Marathon at a resort calle Hawk's Cay was just what the doctor ordered. The view from my corner balcone was fab and we had a chance to sit down and discuss future plans. Birch, Michele and i mostly sat under a palm tree by the dolphin pin or snorkling coffin reef. Mission accomplished is in order this year and i am excited about working another Nascar Busch season with these people. Thanks for the memories guys. Posted by Picasa


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