Thursday, January 05, 2006

Feeling the Love

This is how i feel today. All smiles ,all day, and why not! I have been back in NC for a week of holiday cheer with my best friends, MY FAMILY ! Not only that, but i got to see everyone including the Brothers Different Mothers. Party at the Holbrooks',Supper at the Wilmoths',Airport Bummin with the MWK crew,Dinner with the Smithermans' and the Hollands',Loungin at the Shores',Beer and a Pep talk in the Elliott gun shack,Christmas with the Matthews' and Shores',Japanese with the Lineberrys',and even a midnight ride with Davis ! My life is so construed now days that it is hard to make time for the people that mean the most to me.After all they are really the ones that helped me get to where i am today.Would i have the motivation without them? As i began to realize today what will happen when i leave Las Vegas thoughts poured out of my mind like a waterfall. Can I? Will I? Should I? If I? You know what, none of those questions are relavant if i dwell on the challenge at hand. Taking life day by day will never change, no matter what i ask myself. The question is about success and if i work hard enough then it is bound to get me there.I feel like i am nearing the apex, the pinnacle, the peak. It will be worth it to stand at the top of that hill and shout at the top of my lungs," I Finally Made It". I could not make it without the support of the people that i love. Thank you to all people that i consider Friends, i would do anything for any of you. A prospirous New Year is among us . Cheers to all things that really matter ,Family and Friends ~! Posted by Picasa


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