Does your life ever feel like this? Today i sit back and take a deep breath to unwind from the days events. My residence for the next three weeks is a Suite at the Embassy in Atlanta GA where i will recieve an Initial Course on the Embraer 120 Brasilia. JrMotorsports has decided i am worthy of the training at Flight Safety. That requires 2 weeks of classroom work and 2 weeks of flying the simulator in every emergency condition available. If that isnt enough , i still have to get a 135 charter checkflight too as i will hopefully be flying the Nascar off season for an ATL based charter company called Players Air. I love my life and i am positive that i found my calling but it seems increasingly stressful to juggle working for 4 different operations. 2 days a week i am still instructing in small airplanes to build the time for the ATP airline transport rating. Hopefully the beginning of the year will be a break from the madness but until then i plug along , seeking , searching for the end of the path. Maybe just maybe i can be satisfied one day soon. I could go on for days about what i need to do but that wastes the time I could be accomplishing it. I will end this lil venting session with a thank you for listening and good day. Lets all just take a break from the rat race every now and again. Blue Skies !
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